Why you’re more likely to get hired with a straight smile

There’s a reason why people say you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Whether you’re meeting an important client for the first time, interviewing for a new job, or networking on a virtual platform, appearances matter and someone’s initial perception of you can be extremely valuable! Aside from how you present yourself, your smile can also be seen as an indicator of everything from confidence to competence. That’s why you’re more likely to get hired with a straight smile. But you don’t have to take our word for it! 

A perception study done by Kelton Global for Invisalign® discovered that a person’s teeth could be the catalyst for assumptions about things like success, popularity, and even how trustworthy they are. This kind of snap judgment isn’t necessarily fair, but you can still use people’s perceptions to your advantage! Here at Jennings Orthodontics, we have a variety of affordable orthodontic treatment options to help you achieve a beautiful smile that stands out from the crowd. Using innovative techniques and state-of-the-art technology, we’re able to correct a number of orthodontic issues that may be affecting how you feel about your smile. 

Research has shown us that improving your oral health can have a positive effect, both personally and professionally. To learn more about why you’re more likely to get hired with a straight smile, keep reading below! 

Keep your confidence levels up

First impressions are important, but a healthy smile will benefit you in other ways, too. Crooked teeth are harder to keep clean, leaving you at an increased risk of cavities and tooth decay. Misaligned teeth and jaws can also cause a number of painful issues, including tenderness in the mouth and jaw, headaches, and a sore neck. Orthodontic treatment can give you a smile that not only looks good but feels great, too! 

Don’t underestimate the value of a healthy smile when it comes to your confidence, either. Being self-conscious about the appearance of your smile can also keep you from stepping very far outside of your comfort zone. Yet this is often exactly what’s required for success! Invisalign® actually did a survey on this topic. They found that almost 80% of adults who underwent orthodontic treatment said the improvement in their smile gave them the confidence to do something they never would have considered doing before. That’s pretty inspiring food for thought! 

Why You're More Likely To Get Hired With A Straight Smile

Take advantage of those first impressions

A century ago, researcher Edward Thorndike described something he called the “halo effect.” This phenomenon explains how our brains tend to attribute multiple positive qualities to a person based on us noticing a single positive quality. To put it more simply, we tend to make up information about a person based on our own perception of them. 

You may be wondering what that has to do with smiles. Well, Invisalign wanted to know the same thing! As we mentioned above, they had Kelton Global conduct a perception study on the role smiles play in how we perceive people. The survey presented over a thousand Americans with images of people who had various tooth issues and asked them to give an honest opinion about their appearance. The results indicated that overall, we tend to view people with straight teeth as having more desirable qualities than those with crooked teeth, including success and wealth!

Researchers also found that about two-thirds of those surveyed were more likely to remember a beautiful smile than a feature they found to be unpleasant. You can use these first impressions to your advantage when you sport a happy, healthy smile of your own. 

Leave a lasting impression 

Each of us has psychological cues we use to communicate with others in nonverbal ways. These include the gestures we use, our eye contact, our body language, and even our overall appearance. If that’s the case, then what does your smile say about you?

Since your smile speaks for you so often, you’ll sometimes be dealing with an audience who’s making subconscious assumptions about you based on what they see. No matter what you’re trying to achieve in your career, it’s important to not only nail the first impression but leave a lasting one as well!  When you present yourself with confidence and a healthy smile, it will make an impact that lasts long after you leave the room. 

Start things off on the right foot

When you walk into a room or kick off a video call with a warm smile, it helps set a positive tone right off the bat. And when your teeth look and feel good, you’ll want to share your smile with everyone around you, and that’s something people will pay attention to! Your smile is actually one of the first things people notice about you and the feature they tend to remember the most when recalling your face later on. If you come across as stiff or stand-offish, it can affect your chances of succeeding on both a personal and professional level. On the other hand, a genuine smile will get things off to a great start and leave others thinking of you fondly even after you’ve said goodbye.

Set yourself up to succeed with a smile from Jennings Orthodontics

Although we’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, people do it every day! In today’s world, the way you look plays a part in how others perceive you, even if it happens subconsciously. A healthy smile goes beyond first impressions, however. Improved oral health has been linked to better moods, increased positivity, and decreased stress levels. 

Here at Jennings Orthodontics, we offer a FREE consultation and there is no dental referral necessary. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain! If you’re in Louisville, Mt. Washington, or the surrounding areas, get in touch today to find out how you can take the first step towards a stunning smile with a free consultation!