Life with braces

Braces advice

You’ve taken a big step by getting braces from Jennings Orthodontics. Dr. Jennings is known for creating beautiful smiles. You’re now officially on the road toward a healthy new smile.

It’s a thrilling time, but it also comes with a bit of a learning curve for patients around Louisville and Mt. Washington. Here are some tips for taking care of your braces.

Tips for living with braces

Caring for your appliance

If your appliances are damaged, your treatment can take longer. Be sure to take care of your appliances.

Your teeth and jaw can only move into their correct positions if you consistently wear the rubber bands, headgear, retainer, or other appliances prescribed by Dr. Jennings.

Tips for athletes & musicians

You can still play sports at schools around Louisville and Mt. Washington like normal during your treatment.

Dr. Jennings reminds you to protect your teeth with an orthodontic-friendly mouthguard or to remove your clear aligner during practice or the game.

If you have an accident during your athletic activity, check your appliances and your mouth immediately. Schedule an appointment at Jennings Orthodontics if your appliances appear damaged or your teeth feel loose.

If you play an instrument in a band around Louisville or Mt. Washington, you may find it harder to adjust your playing now that you have braces. It’s normal to experience some difficulty with proper lip position.

You may feel sores develop, but just use plenty of wax and rinse often with warm salt water to help your lips and cheeks toughen up more quickly.